Join the lab

Are you a motivated undergraduate or graduate student interested in becoming the next member of the Urban Evolutionary Entomology Lab @ Virginia Tech? If so, email me a letter of interest describing your academic background and your research interests, and your current CV to warrenbooth@vt.edu.
I am also interested in working with post-doctoral researchers to seek external research funds.
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Lab News
Major update:
In January 2023 Dr. Warren Booth joined the Department of Entomology @ the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech) taking up the newly formed Joseph R. and Mary W. Wilson Endowed Urban Entomology Professorship.
Lab updates:
April 2023 - We have another new post-doc. The lab welcomes Dr. Anne Jones. Anne will be studying the evolution of insecticide resistance and the genomics of German cockroach infestation dynamics in low income housing. Check out Anne's profile in the lab personnel section.
February 2023 - We have a new post-doc. The lab welcomes Dr. Lindsay Miles. Lindsay will be working on a variety of projects, including the sequencing and annotation of cimicid insect genomes, mitochondrial evolution, the evolution of target-site insecticide resistance in bed bugs. Check out Lindsay's profile in the lab personnel section.
Department of Entomology
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia, 24061
215C (office) / 204 (lab) Steger Hall
1015 Life Science Circle
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Contact info:
Warrenbooth (at) vt.edu